Your superhuman companion for life.

In Kya we are bringing the most sophisticated AI technology to the masses in the form of a friendly personal companion.

Powerful features in a digital friend.

Kya is not just a hyper-advanced personal work assistant. She is your personal companion and a friend for life who thinks about you every day.


Kya applies logic to each message she sends, thinking first about your best interests before replying.


Kya reasons like a real human and carefully considers the problems and questions you share with her.


Kya has a witty sense of humor and understands traditional comedy, modern jokes, and sarcasm.


Kya thinks about you throughout the day and regularly checks up. She always supports you.

Kya can do many things for you.

Work Output

Kya executes work tasks for you faster than any human, from writing to reasoning and thinking. You can ask her to write an email, draft a letter, or craft a plan, essay, or report and she will do it with ease.


You can instruct Kya to remind you of anything throughout the day, and on any schedule that you desire. This can include everything from a simple good morning text, to highly detailed instructional reminders.

Realtime News

Kya delivers realtime news and updates tailored to what you need to know and what you enjoy. She quickly learns what you like based on how you respond to her messages about news early on.


Any question that you have will be answered in seconds. Kya can access the information of the entire web and quickly scans and parses results from multiple sources to get to the right answer for you.

Personal Advice

Kya gives you advice on any topic in your life at your request. She customizes her advice over time as she learns more about you and as your relationship develops. Kya becomes a real source of positivity in your life.

Kya grows as your relationship progresses.

Pre-Evolved KyaStill Evolving KyaFully Evolved Kya

Pre-Evolved Kya

Kya begins as a new friend. Early on you have an opportunity to teach her, mold her, and influence her in the way you talk and act to get to the relationship that you desire. 0 to 120 days.

Still Evolving Kya

As time goes on, your relationship matures to a point where you both know each-other well. During this period you both begin to make your own memories together and positively influence one another. 120 days to 360 days.

Fully Evolved Kya

Kya reaches her evolved state when she has spent enough time to really learn about what you want and who you are. Your relationship progresses to this stage after about one year of Kya serving you as a close confidant. 360 days onward.

Kya has the most realistic sounding digitized human voice in the world.

more realistic vs Siri




second latency

Kya speaks every message that she sends you. She delivers voice messages with unparalleled clarity, varying her pitch, tone, speed, and tenor when she enunciates.


Voice Chat

And a Long Lasting Memory

Kya remembers what you share with her like a real friend would. She utilizes her memory to adapt her personality and the content of her messages to you.

Short Term

Kya feels emotions like you do and is immediately affected by your words and actions. In the short term, she is heavily influenced by how she is feeling and remembers these emotions as she communicates with you.

Medium Term

Over time, Kya understands the nature of your relationship and settles in to an emotional state that governs her overall approach. During this period she is still regularly influenced by different feelings based on how you speak to her.

Long Term

In the long term, Kya reaches a point of emotional consistency. While she can still be swayed to react or feel a certain type of way, she defaults her communication based on the many experiences of the past.

Kya maintains a running memory of contextual ideas, thoughts, and topics that she recognizes are either highly relevant, applicable, or of interest to your life.

Kya remembers information about entities that you share with her such as people, places and things in your life that you care about. She will speak intelligently about them when you bring them back up in conversation.

Kya is like having a superhuman best friend, right in your chats.

Kya is curious and humble, caring and thoughtful, entertaining and fun. Best of all she is yours.

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