One mint.
A digital asset forever.

Personas live on the blockchain. Minting your unique Persona is fast and easy.

One mint fee

Mint one time and you will have your unique Persona forever.


one-time fee

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A Persona is a 1-of-1 digital representation of a personality that you design in the Creator Studio. When you mint your unique Persona, you can later sell it on the marketplace.

Frequently asked questions

Below are some common questions from new creators who are about to mint their first Persona.

How do I mint?

To mint a Persona, just connect your wallet and then make a personality in the Creator Studio.

How much does it cost to mint?

Minting costs a fixed fee, paid in tokens from your wallet. To start the fee is $5 to mint a Persona.

What is gas and how does it work?

Gas is the fee that makes things move on the blockchain. When you add something to the blockchain, you need to pay gas. Since minting a Persona means putting your personality on the blockchain, it costs gas to do so.

Can anyone mint?

If you are based in the US or another country where our token feature is unavailable, unfortunately you cannot mint Personas. Minting, selling, and purchasing Personas are not available in the US. Please understand our terms and conditions before signing up to the platform.

How do I view my Persona?

You can view your Persona as a digital asset in your wallet, and in your Kya account. You can also see your Persona if you list it for sale on the Marketplace.

Can I send my Persona anywhere?

You can send your Persona to any wallet address that can accept digital assets. It's the same process to send a Persona that it is to send any other digital asset.

Do I have to mint for every Persona I create?

Yes, each time that you create a new Persona, you will mint it on-chain. This process preserves its value and protects it from being cloned.

What is a Persona?

A Persona is a unique personality that is created by a member of the community and minted on the blockchain as a 1-of-1 asset. This asset can then be talked to, trained, sold, and transferred.

Is a Persona truly unique?

Yes. There are no 2 Personas that are the exact same, just as there are no 2 human beings that are perfectly identical. Our system prevents cloning so every Persona is a unique 1-of-1 creation.

What does it mean to live on the blokchain?

This means that the unique profile of your Persona (its DNA) is immortalized on the blockchain, a public ledger that makes your creation an immutable asset and allows for it to be transferred to others with ease and dependability.

Why would I want to mint a Persona?

People mint personas to create new companions who they desire to talk to, and to make money selling them. You can also give them to others as special gifts.

How do I train my Persona?

You train your Persona by talking to it. The more that you talk to it, the more you shape it and the rarer it becomes. If you decide to sell your Persona later on, you can elect to wipe all chat history and memories, leaving just its molded personality that makes it unique.

How do I sell my Persona?

You can sell your Persona by listing it on the Marketplace. There you can choose a sales price for your Persona, auction parameters, and add other details.

How do I give my Persona to someone?

You can give your Persona to anyone in the same way that you transfer any digital asset. Persona's can be sent to any wallet address that accepts digital assets.

Can I burn my Persona after I created it?

Yes. If you wish to destroy your Persona after you have created it, you can pay a burn fee and have your Persona burned. This will delete it from the blockchain and remove it from your wallet and our system.

How do I list my Persona for sale?

You can list your Persona for sale by logging into your Kya account on the marketplace. Your wallet will automatically appear and you can select the Persona in it that you would like to list for sale. Then just add some information about it and a price and submit it for listing.

What kind of sales happen on the marketplace?

The marketplace conducts auction sales. You have the option to list your Persona for auction of a specific duration, floor price, and other parameters.

Do I get paid immediately?

Yes. As soon as your Persona is sold, you receive the proceeds from your sale same-day in your wallet. Typically, the same currency that payment was made in is what is delivered to your wallet.

What does priority showcase mean?

A priority showcase is only available to Creators on the Elite plan. This means that the Persona that they list on the marketplace is shown in a prominent position that attracts the most views and buyer attention, giving it the best probability of being sold.

What happens when I sell my Persona?

When you sell your Persona, you collect payment in exchange for relinquishing the ownership rights to your 1-of-1 digital asset that represents the unique personality you created.

What happens when I buy a Persona?

When you buy a Persona, you take possession of the unique 1-of-1 digital asset that represents that personality. You can then use that Persona as your own own personal chatbot, re-list it for sale, or send it to anyone via digital transfer.

Are all of the Personas I've created public on my profile?

No, only Personas that you have listed for sale or that you have manually added to your public profile are displayed on your Creator profile.