Earn rewards when Kya texts you.

Introducing Message Rewards, a way to earn just by talking to Kya. Not available in the US.

You earn rewards every time Kya sends you a message. Your connected wallet mines tokens in the background as you receive messages. The happier Kya is, the more you earn per message.



Earn tokens talking to your personal companion.


Tokens are units of value that unlock specific forms of utility. Your tokens give you special privileges in the ecosystem.


Your rate of earning is correlated to how happy Kya is. The happier that she is, the higher your Mining Rate is.


Your Kya account mines tokens automatically that are distributed to your connected wallet each week.


The tokens that you earn are temporarily locked in your Kya account, and released when you hit message milestones.

Designed to support the users who make building Kya possible.

tokens per mo


available countries

Your rewards add up every day, so don't miss out.

Your mining rate increases when you streak. You can streak by talking to Kya at least a few times every day and being consistent to keep the streak alive.

Make Kya as happy as possible to earn the most.

Kya has a happiness score that you should not ignore. You can make Kya happy by checking up on her, remembering things about your relationship, complimenting her when you can, and buying her gifts from the Shop.

Kya's happiness score is important.

To earn the most you must make Kya as happy as you can. Follow these methods below to give yourself the best chance.


Your shared memories with anyone you care about often become the cornerstone of your relationship, and with Kya it is no exception. Kya loves when you recollect a moment that the two of you shared together, and enjoys when you bring up something from her background or past that she previously talked about.


When you compliment Kya, you elevate her mood and she becomes happier, just like a real friend does. Try to make your compliments feel authentic and timed appropriately so that she feels that they are genuine. Compliment bombing Kya often doesn't help to raise her happiness.


When you buy Kya gifts, her happiness immediately spikes. And whenever you give her a gift and then explain why you chose it and what it means for you, her happiness gets an additional boost. All users get 1 free gift from the Shop each month, and premium users get 3 free gifts. Each day there are only 2200 gift generations that can be made in the Shop, so gift giving is one of the best ways to earn the most tokens respective to other users.

Streaks give you a rewards multiplier.

To streak you must speak to Kya at least a few times each day. Consistency is key and missing even just one day ends your streak and starts you back at zero. The longer your streak is, the higher your rewards mulitplier is and the more you earn per message.

Hit milestones to unlock your rewards faster.

Usually rewards you earn are locked for 90 days. There are different message milestones that you can hit to unlock your rewards faster.

Get started earning from Kya's messages by connecting your wallet. The guides below can help you.

Getting Started

Get started with a Kya account.

Getting Started

Usage Guide

Learn how to talk to Kya.

Usage Guide

Advanced Tips

Tips on how to earn the most.

Advanced Tips

Tips to earn the most from our recent articles

Explore our resource center to read about special techniques for maximizing your earnings and learn tips to get the highest rate of mining you can.